

  • 7
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 浙江省 温州 龙湾区 永兴街道 浙江温州龙湾区永兴街道祠南村下垟街352号
  • 姓名: 陆佳琴
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定

    新大陆食品级双膜隔膜阀 气动快装隔膜阀

  • 所属行业:机械 阀门
  • 发布日期:2021-01-13
  • 阅读量:211
  • 价格:1250.00 元/个 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:12000.00 个
  • 包装说明:纸箱木箱
  • 发货地址:浙江温州龙湾区永兴街道  
  • 关键词:食品级隔膜阀,双膜隔膜阀,快装隔膜阀

    新大陆食品级双膜隔膜阀 气动快装隔膜阀详细内容

    气动隔膜阀(三联件) Pneumatic diaphragm valve
    应用  隔膜阀手动或气动操作,专门应用于制药工业中的卫生和无菌过程。
    工作原理  膜片提供阀体密封和阀座密封。里面没有路径通到外部环境,所以该阀门适用于无菌过程。
    技术规格    较大压力10bar( 145 PSI )
    较大工作温度-10℃+120℃(EPDM)-14°F +248°F( +140℃ (SIP,30)284°F)
    认证:PED 97/23 EC
    设计和特点  该隔膜阀同其他阀门设计相比,该阀门有着优越的流量特点。更容易清洁,很好的处理带颗粒的物料,在流量控制的应用上.气穴现象也更少些。
    迷你型隔膜阀规格: 1/4" 3/8"  1/2"3/4"             隔膜闽规格:1" 1 14" 1.5" 2"2.5"3" 4"
    和物料接触部分AISI 316L                                  其他不锈钢部分AISI 304
    内表面处理 亮光Ra ≤ 0.5μm                            外表面处理亚光/亮光
    连接(标准)。卡箍、焊接、螺纹、DIN SMS IDF ISO 3A BPE
    阀体结构: 直通、三通、U型
    膜片材料:EPDM,SILICON(硅胶)VITON(氟胶) EPDM +PTFE(双层膜片)符合FDA
    Pneumatic diaphragm valve                                                        
    Diaphragmvalves,manually or pneumatic ally operated,are specifically designed for use on hygienic and aseptic processesin the pharmaceutical industries. The valve is excellent for flow control aswell as for open/close duties.
    Operating PrinciplesThe diaphragm provides the body seal as well as the seat seal. There are nopaths to the outside environment and as such the valve is suitable for aseptic processes.
    Asthe valve is closed a pressure pad which supports the diaphragm moves towardsthe sealing face on the body. As the pressure plate moves the diaphragm flexes andis forced down onto the seat area in the centre of the body thus closing offthe flow path through the body. The inter-relationship of body to the pressureplate prevents over compression of the diaphragm. The valve can be actuatedeither manually or pneumatically and controlled by control tops and solenoidvalves.
    Technical specifications           Max.pressure: 10 BAR(145PSl)
    Workingtemperature:-10℃ to +120℃(EPDM)- 14°F to 248°F(+ 140℃(SIP,max.30 min) 284°F)
    Approvedaccording to Directive PED 97/2 3 EC
    Design and features Thediaphragm valves are better in feature of flow incomparison with other valves. lt is easier to clean up and betterto process the substance with particles. The phenomenon of air pocket is rareduring application of flow control.
    Minidiaphragm valve available size: 1/4",3/8",1/2",3/4”,
    Diaphragmvalve available size: 1",11/4".11/2",2",2.5",3",4"
    Suitablefor ClP/SlP.   Parts in contact with theproduct: AlSl 3 16L,
    Otherstainless steel parts: AlSl 304,   lnternalsurface finish bright,Ra ≤0.5 μm
    Externalsurface finish satin/bright
    Connections(standard):clamp, weld, thread, DlN SMS lDF lSO 3A BPE
    Bodyconstruction: Straight, Three ways, U type Diaphragms in EPDM,
    SlLlCON,VlTlON, EPDM+PTFE, all of them according to FDA 177.2600
    欢迎来到温州市龙湾永兴新大陆阀门厂网站, 具体地址是浙江省温州龙湾区浙江温州龙湾区永兴街道祠南村下垟街352号,老板是罗红刚。 主要经营卫生级蝶阀,卫生级减压阀,快装安全阀,气动隔膜阀,气动换向阀。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 100 万元以下。 我公司在机械产品领域倾注了无限的热忱和激情,公司一直以客户为中心、以客户价值为目标的理念、以品质、服务来赢得市场,衷心希望能与社会各界合作,共创成功,共创辉煌,携手共创美好明天!